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I PLEDGE not to support crime against woman!

We, citizens of India take pledge that shall not engage in any activity, directly or indirectly outraging the modesty of woman. We shall not take/give dowry and will contribute to abolish this evil practice in society. We pledge NOT TO COMMIT or be part of any VOILENCE against woman.

We will aim to create an environment of respect for woman. 

Women, a beautiful creation of God but their body itself has become the main reason for violence against her. In our society with a male-oriented or dominating mind, women's body, sexual rights and selection related topics are still avoided as for open discussions. Our silence against some heinous crimes like dowry, female foeticide, honor killing, etc. are constantly denying women empowerment and the awareness about their rights. Now, our duty is through this mission of women empowerment, we'll create awareness among people especially women of their rights and enable them to get out of every difficulty through few techniques of self defense.
I swear to make people aware about all the rules and rights of women and also create awareness for self defense techniques so that we all together can step ahead towards a better India

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